Campus Ministry
STVM Faith

STVM Campus Ministry

MISSION - Teach, share, support, and live the Mission of St. Vincent-St. Mary and the Marianist Characteristics of Education with an emphasis on invitation and hospitality.

VISION - Every day, every person, every interaction, an encounter with Christ.

THEME - Make Your Own FIAT! Say YES to God! Luke 1:38 says, "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word." Mary said yes to God, even when she was unsure of what it all meant to be chosen to be the Mother of God. She was the age of most of our students when she made this FIAT - her YES - that forever changed the world.

St. Vincent-St. Mary High School

In the spirit of the Gospel, we are committed to educate the whole person; to lead and to serve, enlightening the mind, developing the body, touching the heart, and inspiring the soul.